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KSRN Radio Interviews

Title Author Date Downloads
Futures Hedging for Livestock Producers

K-State agricultural economist Brian Coffey talks about futures hedging as a livestock risk management tool...he'll be presenting information on using options for that purpose during a special K-State Risk and Profit session online this Wednesday.

January 11, 2021
Your Neighbor's Weed Management

Weed management specialist Sarah Lancaster and precision agriculture economist Terry Griffin talk about their new analysis of how one farmer's weed management approach might affect that of a neighboring farmer, and vice versa...this accounts for herbicide technology adoption, herbicide stewardship and possible compensation for crop damage from off-target product movement, among other variables.

January 5, 2021
New Cropland Lease Tool

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl tells of a brand-new online tool now available to farmers and landlords for comparing various cropland leasing options. It's called the Lease Simulation Tool, which he says greatly simplifies the process while capturing all the variables that go into a good lease agreement decision.

December 17, 2020
Financial Strategies for Kansas Farm Families

The director of the Farm Analyst program at K-State, Duane Hund, talks about some of the financial situations he's encountering as he works with Kansas farm families here at the end of 2020...he reminds about how this program can help family farms develop solutions to their operations' financial challenges.

December 10, 2020
2021 Crop Production Budgets

K-State farm management economist Gregg Ibendahl discusses the series of 2021 crop production budgets he has just developed for Kansas producers, for evaluating the likely returns from those crops next year...he goes over what these budget models cover and how growers can best use them.

December 9, 2020
End-of-Year Financial Assessment

The executive director of the Kansas Farm Management Association, Kevin Herbel, offers a host of considerations on end-of-year farm financial assessment:  the indicators of financial performance for each farm enterprise that the producer should examine; and the value of knowing one's costs of production in precise terms; how one's income numbers for the year should figure into tax management decisions; and how it all factors into management planning for 2021.

December 3, 2020
Risk Management Insurance For Cattle Producers

K-State agricultural policy specialist Jenny Ifft talks about risk management insurance available to cattle producers through the USDA's Risk Management Agency, citing programs that allow producers to cover their herd production, market price and forage availability risks. She says that some of these insurance options have been refined to have greater appeal to producers.

December 1, 2020
New Project Aims to Stabilize Rural Communities

K-State agricultural economist Vincent Amanor-Boadu tells of a new project supported by a National Science Foundation grant, involving K-State and other universities. Its aim is to help stabilize smaller rural communities by tying together crop production, energy production and water use, via an ammonia generation and utilization process.

November 13, 2020
Profitability Maps for Cropland

K-State precision agricultural economist Terry Griffin talks about developing profitability maps for crop ground...coupling yield monitor and site-specific crop input data with crop price information to precisely identify the areas of the field which are generating profits, and which aren't...he says more producers are finding this to be a beneficial practice.

November 11, 2020
Potential Election Implications

K-State agricultural policy specialist Jenny Ifft offers her insight on the known results of Tuesday's general election to date, and what they mean to the agricultural sector. She says that as the congressional tally appears now, there likely will be very little change in the tone of farm policy building up to the next farm bill, even though there will be changes in House and Senate agricultural leadership.

November 6, 2020
Barry Flinchbaugh - "Kings and Kingmakers"

Barry Flinchbaugh was one of America’s leading experts on agricultural policy for the last few decades. But friends and family alike would probably agree that his greatest joy was teaching. Whether enlightening legislators on Capitol Hill, lecturing to students at Kansas State University, or sharing information with farmers and ranchers at K-State Research and Extension field days and workshops, Barry Flinchbaugh was always ready to share his knowledge with anyone who was interested – and he did it with unmistakable flair. Here, we present audio from one of his most well-known and frequently-referenced presentations, “Kings and Kingmakers.” This was recorded at K-State Research and Extension’s 2017 annual conference, held on the K-State campus. Flinchbaugh died on November 2nd, 2020. He was 78 years old.

November 5, 2020
Remembering Barry Flinchbaugh

A tribute to renowned K-State agricultural policy specialist Barry Flinchbaugh, who unexpectedly passed away overview of his career of outstanding service to agriculture as a much-sought-after advisor on agricultural policy, as a state and national contributor to the development of farm programs, and as a teacher to thousands of students over his 49-year association with Kansas State University.

November 3, 2020
Precision Ag Apps Analyzed

K-State precision agriculture economist Terry Griffin talks about farmer use of precision agriculture apps on their mobile devices, which is the subject of a new analysis he has authored. He says that increasing farmer reliance on such apps accents the need for improved internet access in rural areas.

October 29, 2020
Health Care Costs for Farms and Ranches in Kansas

Robin Reid reports on her new study of health care costs on Kansas farms and ranches, based on a decade of Kansas Farm Management Association data. She looked at the trends in health insurance costs and medical expenses, which she says remain a challenge for numerous Kansas agricultural families.

October 28, 2020
Ag Land Values

K-State agricultural economist Mykel Taylor offers an updated view of agricultural land value trends in Kansas, and if those have been affected by the economic disruptions from the pandemic. She also addresses some of the changes in how farm and ranch land purchases take place, and who is buying land. She presented this information at the recent K-State Agricultural Lenders Conference.

October 27, 2020
Year-End Tax Management

The executive director of the Kansas Farm Management Association out of K-State, Kevin Herbel, offers year-end tax management advice for farmers and ranchers...he suggests gathering financial records and other information now to assess where one stands with the operation's income situation, allowing for better management decisions to finish out the year.

October 26, 2020
US International Grain Trade

The senior economist with the IGP Institute at K-State, Guy Allen, offers an in-depth view of current international grain trade, and where U.S. grain sales stand in that global market. He considers the new USDA world grain supply and demand numbers which were released last Friday, and couples those with his own observations on developments abroad from his extensive contacts around the world, as he talks about the outlook for U.S. sales of corn, soybeans, grain sorghum and wheat.

October 13, 2020
Producers Wanted for Farm Data Project

K-State precision agricultural economist Terry Griffin invites producers to take part in a new initiative called the Data-Intensive Farm Management Project...supported by a major USDA grant, this will make available to participants precision cropping analytical tools to evaluate site-specific crop seeding and nutrient applications, in real-life situations on the farm.

October 9, 2020

Recent Videos

Title Author Date Downloads
Analysis of the IHME COVID-19 Forecasting Model - April 14 Update
Audio only: click HERE

April 14, 2020
SBA Paycheck Protection Program for Cooperatives and Farmers-Webinar
Audio only: click HERE

April 13, 2020
International Grain Markets-South America

April 13, 2020
International Grain Markets - Fuel and Ethanol Market Trends and Developments in US-China Trade

April 13, 2020
Ongoing Effects on Livestock Markets from COVID-19 Pandemic
Audio only: click HERE
April 10, 2020
Soybean Market Update on April 10 2020

April 10, 2020
Grain Sorghum Market Update - April 10, 2020

April 10, 2020
Wheat Market Update on April 10 2020

April 10, 2020
Corn Market Update - April 10 2020

April 10, 2020
Addressing Concerns Amid COVID-19 - Follow-up to Farm Financial Skills for Kansas Women in Ag
Audio only: click HERE

April 8, 2020
Ex-Post Analysis of the IHME COVID-19 Forecasting Model
Audio only: click HERE

April 7, 2020
International Grain Markets: Part 1-General Issues

April 6, 2020
International Grain Markets: Part 2-South American Impacts

April 6, 2020
Government Stimulus Programs for Ag Producers and Co-ops

Associated FACTSHEET.

April 3, 2020
Grain Markets, Planting Intentions, and Crop Cost of Production
Audio only: click HERE

April 3, 2020
U.S. Ethanol and Biodiesel Trends in Prices and Profitability

March 30, 2020
Further Updates on the Macroeconomy
Audio only: click HERE

March 27, 2020
The Federal Reserve's Response to COVID-19

March 18, 2020

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